Using Kegels for Stronger Orgasms

There are guys who are not easily satisfied with their orgasmic states. Most often, what they want is a more intensified climax with more cum and stronger and lasting ejaculation. However, for some reasons, men gradually lose their orgasmic power, which in turn diminishes their sexual performance and enjoyment, their partners' satisfaction, and low self-esteem. As stated in, this usually happens to maturing men, though there are a considerable number of younger men with this sexual problem. Fortunately enough, there is solution that is designed perfectly to boost men's potency in bed-Kegel exercises.

Getting to Know Kegel

Dr. Arnold Kegel, a gynaecologist, developed Kegel exercises originally to normalize women's vaginal shape after giving birth, thus tightening the genital's muscles. But today, the exercises are practiced by both males and females to improve their sexual performance through delivering powerful orgasms. When these exercises are done, men actually are strengthening their pubococcygeus (PC) muscle or the pelvic floor muscle and as such, more blood will flow to his pelvic region. After strengthening the PC muscle, the guy will increase his potential for better and powerful orgasms.

Kegel is done whenever and wherever a man is comfortable with--in his office, before bed time, or during a phone call. But it is essential to locate his PC muscle first before proceeding. PC is the muscle used when stopping urination, so it is advised that during normal peeing, one should momentarily stop the flow of urine and feel the muscle he used. After several days of repeating the locating process, he can identify the muscle correctly and realize his power over it. Another way of locating PC is by moving the erected penis upward and downward. If one can move up his genital even to a few heights, it means he has already tightened the penis muscle.

Performing the Exercises

After locating the PC muscle, one can start squeezing it very hard for 3 to 5 seconds and relax it for another 5 seconds. First time doers can check their baseline by counting the times they have squeezed the muscle before getting tired. This set can be done for at least two weeks. After figuring out the baseline and doing the basic exercises, one can have a more improved set by performing repetitions. He may start with 5 repetitions (reps) of squeezing, holding, and releasing. If he can tighten the muscle longer, like 6 to 7 seconds, so much the better, but if he cannot, there is no reason to get forceful. However, if along the way, one feels uncomfortable, he can reduce the reps to the most convenient number.

Ideally, practicing Kegel should be at least three to four times per day. After several weeks of continuous practice, one is advised to gradually increase his reps to 10 sets with 10 counts of squeezing. Of course, every body is different from another so it is unlikely for first timers to do this at once. Also, it is recommended to perform the exercises in varying speed and intensity. For example, he can experiment on the longevity of his squeezing along with the rapid switch from squeeze to release. But there is no point in pushing oneself, so each one is advised to perform Kegel in the most comfortable speed and manner for him.

Once comfortable with the exercises, one can perform them while masturbating or even while having sex. The exercises are ideal during foreplay, before an orgasm, and while having an orgasmic state. He should aim to move, jerk, or lift his penis without touching it and he can take notice of a pleasurable sensation.


When practicing Kegel exercises, it is best to relax the body and focus on doing Kegel the right way. One should avoid tightening other muscles such as the sphincter, buttocks, thighs, and abdominal as these may reduce the efficiency of the whole exercise. This is why it is so necessary to correctly locate the PC muscle because there is a tendency of tightening the incorrect muscle.

The man who is entirely serious in improving his orgasm should make a deliberate effort in performing Kegel exercises regularly. However, it is actually not necessary to set up a time for the exercises because just about anywhere and anytime, one can do them effectively. Furthermore, Kegel is meant to enhance the pelvic floor muscles so there is no reason to force one's body as this can be harmful. If the exercises become painful, it might mean that improper practice has been done and in such case, it is wise to stop performing the exercises for one day. Now, if the pain becomes too unbearable, it is recommended to seek professional help.

Other Orgasmic Solutions

Though Kegel is proven effective, there are still some men who combine this with other methods, such as undergoing surgeries and using mechanical devices. Enhancement pills are also reported to have helped a lot of men with their orgasms and other sexual irregularities. But there are others who grab male potency pills that are proven to be effective. As stated in, the official website of Semenax potency pills, the herbal ingredients produce larger cum and more intensified climax, thus achieving optimum sexual satisfaction.

With the advancement of medical technology, more and more orgasmic solutions are made accessible to men. But the most important thing here is for a man to get the best solution fitted to him, after all, these methods, whether Kegel, penis devices, or potency pills, lead only to one thing-increased cum volume. To quote, a larger amount of cum means more powerful orgasm and more possibly, improved performance in bed.